In one short month, Madelyn Joy will be one year old. Everyone warned me that this would happen, but I am still shocked by how quickly this year has flown by. I can't even keep track of how many times I heard people caution me to enjoy every moment because they go by quickly. I have enjoyed every moment, and I've tried very hard not to take anything for granted. But the year still flew by.
She is now pretty comfortable walking and already prefers it to crawling. Just recently she has discovered how to stand up all by herself without using a wall or a piece of furniture or a parent to pull herself up. She also has tooths number 5 and 6 coming in on top. She has also figured out a few words. Her first words are "all done." This is what we tell her when she is finished eating, and she has started using them herself to tell us when she is finished. What she actually says is "ahh dahh" but it is very clear to us what she means.
This was too cute! Love Grandma M.