Monday, April 27, 2009


Spring is here! Yay. The halls close at the end of this week. YAAAY! :)

Madelyn seems to be drooling and fussing a little more than usual recently. We think this means she is starting to teethe. From what we're read and heard from others, we may still be months away from any actual teeth erupting. When our fingers wander into her mouth, we've noticed that she has started gnashing on them with her gums in addition to the usual sucking.

Bed time is now 8:00, and it is working great. We transitioned her out of the bassinet and into her crib without any difficulty. The down side is that one of us has to climb out of bed everytime she needs to be comforted or fed late at night. She sleeps really great for the first part of the night. After about 1:00 she tends to wake every hour or two. It will probably be a whole new pattern next week.

With all the nice weather recently, we've been taking Mady outside more often. Sunday was the one year anniversary of the date that we found out that we were having a baby. I remember it partly because it was also the day my cousin got married. We took a walk in the Arb together that morning to calm ourselves and collect our thoughts. It was fun to go on that same walk again yesterday, with Mady this time (I guess she was technically there last time too...) and just reflect on the year (morning sickness, ultrasounds, picking a name, sharing our news, and lots of other bizarre things that come along with pregnancy).

She hasn't made much progress on rolling since the last post. She can sit slumped over for about two seconds (eight, if I count fast) before she falls on her face. She is laughing a lot more now. It is fun to discover new things that make her laugh. This week we discovered that her seal puppet and her feet make her laugh. Here is a little video of her chewing on and laughing at her feet. We also added to new April pictures to the Picasa album. Enjoy!

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