Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Bed Time

Madelyn is still growing and changing, daily it seems. Her regularly scheduled evening crankies have finally passed. We haven't had to use the hair dryer to calm her in over two weeks. Yay! Her hunger strikes have also gone away. Of course, this could also just be that Carrie and I are getting better at discerning her needs. Either way, life is gradually becoming a little more harmonious. We're not there entirerly, but we are certainly moving in the right direction.

It took Mady a while to learn to appreciate her pacifier, but now she is officially hooked. It helps us soothe her and put her to sleep at night (much less obnoxious than the hair dryer). We're trying not to give it to her every time she fusses so she doesnt' become a total binky junkie. If she can't have her binky, she'll ususally settle for her fingers. I've seen her with all eight of them in her mouth at once. She still hasn't discovered her thumbs, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time...

The bedtime routine seems to be working pretty well. We give her a bath, then feed her and put her in her pajamas, then we play lullabies and walk her around the bedroom with the lights dimmed until she drifts off. The whole things usually takes about an hour. We're trying to gradually start it earlier so we can get her to bed sooner. Last night I had her out by 10:30. My target for tonight is 10:15. It is nice to have even a brief moment at the end of the day free.

Carrie is still watching Mady during the day while I work and finishing up her disertation in the evenings. It is a pretty tiring routine, but she'll be all done in just two months! She is making an effort to take a walk with Mady once a day now that the weather is getting nicer.

That's the update for now. We hope everyone is doing well.

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