The last couple weeks have been full of adventures and milestones for Miss Madelyn. Let's start with the adventures.

Grandma and Grandpa Mittelstedter drove up to visit us from Topeka on Tuesday. They stayed for a few days, then headed up to Flint to see the Greanyas for a couple days. Sarah and Matt (Godparents) also came to visit because they were in town so Sarah could receive her diploma and get hooded and shake the President's hand. Congratulations Dr. Sarah!
On Saturday, Carrie and Grandma took Mady on her longest road trip yet. They went all the way to Cleveland for Krista's bridal shower. Mady did pretty good in the car ride out there, but it must have worn her out because she wasn't too excited about being passed around to all of her relatives. Other than our baby being a bit cranky, it sounds like the shower was a big success.
On Sunday half of the Greanya family came down to visit and we grilled steaks. It was a wonderful break from the cafeteria food! Madelyn was much better behaved for them. I guess she likes Carrie's side of the family better... j/k family, j/k, she was just a bit road weary on Saturday (The truth is she missed her Daddy).

I mentioned milestones. Here they are. Mady had her first official roll! Yay! She has done it at least twice in the last couple of days. She also discovered her feet this week. She likes holding on to them and even sucks on her toes. Once she used both hands to grab one foot and tried stuffing the whole thing in her mouth! We got her to sit up by herself for a little bit. She does slump over after a few seconds, but she was able to stay up long enough for us to snap a few pictures. Finally, she has been laughing so much more this week. It is hard to guess what will make her laugh. She found her bath turtle hilarious a few days ago, but hasn't been too excited about it since then. Today Carrie had her in stitches by tearing paper.
All in all, a very exciting couple of weeks for Madelyn. Lucky for us, we were able to stick to her bedtime routine through it all!