Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Almost There...

Tomorrow is Madelyn's due date and she is definitely giving us signs that she will be here soon. She dropped over the weekend, so her head is now cradled in Carrie's pelvis. This is making it very hard for Carrie to walk around and is causing her a lot of pain and discomfort.

We had our final appointment with the OB today. everything is looking good. Mady has a good heartbeat and Carrie's blood pressure is good. She did schedule an induction for Carrie on Monday 1/5, but we are hopeful that Mady will come on her own before then.

Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

10 days to D-Day

This is my first foray into the world of blogging and is motivated by my daughter's impending birth. I'm writing this message today primarily to satisfy myself that I can figure out how to operate a blog.

This seems like a good way to provide Grandparents (formerly known only as parents, the four of them are about to be promoted) and other interested parties with updates and pictures without accidentally imposing upon email inboxes of those who don't want the blow by blow.

Madelyn Joy is due on 12/31. the shortened spelling of her first name will be "Mady." Carrie and I both agreed that a shortened spelling is most successful if it can be achieved by removing letters from the formal name without unnecessarily adding or repeating letters. Hence, not "Maddy" or "Maddie."

Also of note, Carrie will be finishing the final revisions to her dissertation today before sending it to her committee, and thus being done writing it or thinking about it for the first time in recent memory (at least for a few months). To commemorate her dual accomplishment, below is a piece of relevant humor we received from my department director:

Why Writing a Dissertation is Harder Than Having a Baby
  1. Three months before your due dates, your doctor doesn't say, "I want you to go back and redo the first trimester's work."
  2. Unlike advisors, you can switch doctors without starting over.
  3. Conceiving a baby is WAY more fun than conceiving a topic.
  4. You know exactly how long pregnancy takes.
  5. Friends and relatives don't question the worth of a baby.
  6. You don't need to explain repeatedly to friends and family what it takes to make a baby and why you're not through yet.
  7. Babies don't require proper footnoting or adherence to a style manuel.
  8. You can freely borrow other people's stuff if you're having a baby: if you're writing a dissertation, that's called plagiarism.
  9. No one will complain that your baby is too similar to another one.
  10. No matter how much trouble it was doing it, some people will gladly have more than one baby.